Friday, July 22, 2011

Losing sleep over the recent heat wave??? Sleep is directly associated with a steady decline in your body’s core temperature, as a result, those unlucky souls without AC become overheated on hot nights causing them to wake out of their sleep. Sleep deprivation can have a negative effect on your attitude, reaction time and focus.

There is hope!  A few small things may help you sleep through a hot summer’s night and wake up rested in the morning.

  1. Take a Shower. A cool shower and “air” drying will keep you cool over a long period of time. Allowing you to fall asleep easily.

  1. Increase Air Circulation. Opening windows facing in different directions will allow a breeze to pass. Using a ceiling and/or a window fan will encourage the breeze.

  1. Chill your Pillowcases. Place your bedding (pillowcase, sheets, cover) in a freezer bag and leave in the freezer throughout the day. Place the chilled bedding on your bed, just before you fall asleep.

  1. Sleep Downstairs. Heat rises; sleeping on the lower level of your home may be a cooler alternative to your bedroom.

  1. Do not eat or drink hot, spicy and/or caffeinated foods or drinks before bed. Spicy and caffeinated foods causes your heart rate to increase, as a result, you will become warmer.

Trying one or all of these tips will result in a restful night and a productive morning! Sleep well!

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