In a few short weeks, school buses will be field with students eager to begin the new school year. Many parents may have begun their back to school shopping already; however there are a few more “Back 2 School” lists parents should check before dropping their learners off at the bus stop.
First Steps
Call the school district with question’s about your child’s school
Find out what day classes start and what time your child should arrive
Enroll your child (if not already registered from the previous school year)
Fill out emergency contact sheets and any other required forms
Check Medical Requirements
Make sure your child has all required immunizations
participate in school activities
Get your child’s vision checked before school starts
Notify the principal’s office, the school nurse, and
your child’s teachers about any health problems or
Learn About the School
-Find out whether the teacher prefers to communicate by phone, email or written note
Know what your child is expected to learn
Familiarize yourself with the information on the school website
Note the phone numbers for checking school closures or reporting absences
Find out the procedure for taking your child out of school early
Read the school handbook and make sure your child understands the rules
Plan To Be Involved
Mark school events on the family calendar
Attend the back-to-school program
Schedule and attend parent/teacher conferences
Meet leaders of the parent/teacher group
Plan Healthy Meals
Have nutritious food on hand for breakfast and after-school snacks
Find out how much school breakfasts and lunches cost
Find out whether snacks and drinks are available at school or can be brought from home
Alert school staff in your child has a severe food allergy
Arrange Transportation
Practice getting to school with your child
Bicycle: Review road safety and make sure he/she has a helmet
Walking: Walk the route together and review pedestrian safety guidelines
Arrange a carpool if necessary and introduce your child to the other adults and children
Compile contact information of parents who can pick up your child in an emergency
Arrange child care or after-school activities
Choose extracurricular activities carefully to avoid schedule conflictions
Make sure you child knows where to go after school each day
Help Your Child Prepare for School
Arrange for your child to play with others in their age group before classes start
Discuss your child’s feelings about starting school and talk over any concerns
Talk with your child about their daily school schedule
Talk about peer pressure with your child
Have your child memorize your home address and home/work phone numbers
Tour the school with your child so he/she can find their classrooms, the restrooms, and the cafeteria
Arrange a time for you and your child to meet their new teachers
Lay the Ground Rules
Establish a bedtime before school starts
Determine when and where your child will do homework
Figure out a plan for balancing homework and play time
Set rules for time spent on TV, video games, and the computer for non-school activities[1]
By following these easy steps, your child will be prepared to have a successful school year.
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